
To me, 2019 was... a year that I rose from ashes & some personal sharing... Before the start of 2019, I knew that it w...
This world is full of voices.  Voices from all sorts of sources telling us; What to do, Who we should be, How we should feel, w...
Recently I have started I morning routine where I pick a tarot card at the beginning of the day as a guide to learn and grow each day. ...
Why did I develop this workbook? During these years of self-healing and self-love, I have come to the understanding of how important ...
"In our lives, one way or another, we'll be given a lesson on forgiveness" Forgiveness isn't an easy journey, but...
Recently I have uploaded a video on “How to Find Your Life Purpose Now | Free Workbook + Book Recommendation” on my youtube channel @t...
It ’ s been a while since I did my daily skincare routine! Since I updated most of my products, I thought to do another review! My p...
  Before the end of this Summer, I decided to try out this drunk blush look inspired by Hanna Verhees ’ s Magazine shot from ‘ H...
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